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Paddling In and Around The Sound

We, or I, interrupt our new regularly scheduled broadcast for this important message.  We can once again paddle in and around the Owen Sound area as our local boat launches are now open and our beaches are beginning to re-open…with physical distancing guidelines in place.

My wife and I went for our first paddle this morning.  Her in her kayak and me on my Stand-Up paddleboard.  It felt good to be on the water again, although as I write this I can tell it has been too long as my legs are a little twitchy from having to work to balance for the first time in a long time.

One of the things I love about this area is how many different places there are to paddle.  From the slow moving rivers to the slightly faster ones, from the waves of Georgian Bay to the calm of our many local lakes.  Depending on the time of day, they can be completely different paddling experiences.

Of course, paddling is not the only option for the water.  Once the Bay warms up a little (or when the heatwave hits for the next 2 days) swimming is always refreshing.  And, although I am not a fisherman, I see lots who do enjoy it by the banks in Leith.

And although I prefer the non-powered pleasure craft, I can’t ignore the other types of powered boats on the water.  From the jet-skis we can sometimes hear from our back deck…

to the small fishing boats to the larger power boats…

to our favourite Big Canoe – the M.S. Chi-Cheemaun, there are many different ways to enjoy our great lake(s).

For more specific information on places to paddle, our friends at Rrampt recently wrote this piece for the city of Owen Sound – Hike, Bike or Paddle in the Scenic City this Summer

See you on the water.

John Fearnall

Good Noise

All images are property of John Fearnall/Good Noise

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