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A Snapshot of a Grey/Bruce Staycation

While playing some glow in the dark bocce with Wanda and some other friends a few weeks ago, Wanda wondered out loud if a “Backyards of Grey/Bruce” would make a good blog post.  Although I agreed that it would, I also had to admit that I didn’t have a lot of photos of backyards other than our own. 

But as i looked through my iPhone a few days later, I realized I have a lot of photos of the summer that I have not shared.  So, as summer has decided to quickly abandon us, I thought it might be a good time to look back at the summer we had in GreyBruce with these photos.

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A “Do Nothing” Sunday

My apologies for another late blog post.  It’s amazing how quickly summer can get away from you.  One minute you’re celebrating Canada Day, the next you’re getting ready for Summerfolk.  Which around these areas signals the beginning of the end of summer.  For many, Summerfolk is followed by the Fish Tent (at the Salmon Spectacular), then Labour Day – and that’s it.

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The Music of the Sound

Growing up in Owen Sound, I had very little appreciation for its vibrant musical community.   Maybe it was because I was rebelling against my musical family – my father and his two siblings have a long history of music in the area.  My dad and aunt both played in the Salvation Army Band and the Owen Sound city band.  My uncle was a founding member of the Tombstones and plays in many local bands including Sounder and The Bearcats.  But despite this family connection, I ignored the local music scene, grew my mullet long and continued listening to Van Halen on my Walkman.

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Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’

Balls were a big part of my life growing up in Owen Sound in the 80’s.   In the evenings of my youth, my friends and I regularly played scrub at what used to be known as Ryerson park.  Because the park was quite small and contained three baseball diamonds, there were regular conflicts with teams using the other diamonds when our hits would interrupt their practices.  This smallness not only allowed us the thrill of hitting more home runs, but also hitting neighbourhood cars.  Sorry, neighbours.

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