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A Snapshot of a Grey/Bruce Staycation

While playing some glow in the dark bocce with Wanda and some other friends a few weeks ago, Wanda wondered out loud if a “Backyards of Grey/Bruce” would make a good blog post.  Although I agreed that it would, I also had to admit that I didn’t have a lot of photos of backyards other than our own. 

But as i looked through my iPhone a few days later, I realized I have a lot of photos of the summer that I have not shared.  So, as summer has decided to quickly abandon us, I thought it might be a good time to look back at the summer we had in GreyBruce with these photos.

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Love in the Age of Covid

With Valentine’s Day and Family Day falling on consecutive days this year, it would make sense if this post was about my love for my family.  And don’t get me wrong, I love my family and the life we have created together more than anything.  But since Covid has turned so much of our lives upside-down over the last year, I thought it might be more appropriate for me to share something that Covid has taught me to love – the beautiful hiking opportunities that we are so blessed to have nearby.

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