About a month ago, after receiving a number of requests for drone shots and seeing that it might be my last chance to catch the amazing fall colours of 2020, I decided to take two trips – one up each side of the Owen Sound harbour.
Day one’s journey, which took me to different places on the east side of the bay, started at my home in Leith where I took this shot of the river that runs behind our place and empties into Georgian Bay at the bridge in Leith.
Continuing east of our place I spotted the historic Leith church, where some believe Tom Thomson is buried, surrounded by the beautiful fall colours. I took the opportunity to capture it with the bay behind, a view I had never seen before.
From here, I traveled to the East side of Owen Sound, where I captured Georgian College, the old O.S.C.V.I. (now East Ridge), and the Grey Bruce Regional Health Centre with Owen Sound’s main shopping strip in the background.
I was tempted to stop there, but with the weather so beautiful, I decided to head back north. This time, I continued through Leith and made my way to a friend’s property between Balaclava and Silcote, where I photographed this view of the Coffin Ridge vineyard looking west to the bay.On the way back, I stopped to photograph Balaclava (located at the closest cross roads).
Finally, on the way back home, I captured this view from Annan looking down the hill at Leith.
Day two’s journey happened a few days later. My first stop was a quick one – I had my lunch hour to get down to the bay to capture the Chi-Cheemaun returning from Tobermory to her winter home in Owen Sound.
After finishing my regular work day, I headed out towards Kemble, where I captured some beautiful images of the mountain.
Heading a little further north, while taking some photos of another friend’s property, I spotted this sight looking towards Skinner’s Bluff and Colpoy’s Bay.
Heading towards Wiarton, I couldn’t resist turning and capturing this image in the opposite direction.
Even though the trees had lost a lot of their leaves, the view was still magical.
There is definitely no shortage of beauty in this area, no matter which direction you head.
John Fearnall
All watermarked images are property of John Fearnall/Good Noise
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